Welcome to my life

Saturday, December 25, 2004

yeah, merry christmas everyone, with all that busy shopping, getting presents for everyone... kids being so excited! tearing open their presents, adults spending money to bring the joy to the children faces, and youths and singles, hang out with their on clique... buying gifts for each others, don't you think christmas is too commercial? with every christmas, it seem to be starting earlier, why? it's a time for business to earn more, because it's the season to be jolly, and during this season, where people usually get caught for drink driving, public nuisance... and lots more... what have we missed out? is Christmas a day for exchanging of gifts? a time to catch up with old friends? to have family dinner and enjoy the food and drinks? i don't think so, cause.... what is christmas actually? how did it came about... it's not about santa clause, giving out presents... getting your wishlist smaller... in fact, it's about 2000 years ago... when Jesus Christ was born... on 25th of December, so it is a time for merry? i don't think so... think of the precious gift that was given to us... Christ die on the cross for us... he took our sins away, and yet we carry on sinning... so this is the time where we should reflect on the past year and repent on our wrongdoings...

* Bryner Pohsted 1:02 AM